国立大学法人 大分大学医学部 環境・予防医学講座

Saruuljavkhlan Batsaikhan
  • Ph.D student (MEXT Scholarship) (2019〜)
  • Saruuljavkhlan Batsaikhan
出身大学(Alma Mater)
Bachelor of Medicine: School of Medicine Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (2011-2015)
Master of Science: Medical Doctor School of Medicine Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (2015-2017)
Graduate and Training Center, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences (2017-2019)
出身地(Home country)
研究活動(Link to ORCID)
Saruuljavkhlan's primary focus is to understand the pathogenesis of gastric cancer and its microbiome using whole genome analysis and molecular techniques
other sources